A-Broad In London

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So tell me my single Queens, has this happened to you?

You’re getting ready for a night out, you slip into that sensational, sexy tight dress, the one you know is going to slay, and you realize, that the last few inches of that back zipper is impossible for you to do up by yourself. I mean, not a chance. Perhaps this is the real reason women do yoga, to develop the contortion like flexibility in ones’ shoulders to enable you to do this task yourself. Sorry, but do designers think I have a ladies-maid dressing me? I am not Lady Mary Crawley. 

So this led me to thinking, us single girls need a few shared life hacks. Something that helps us to open those tight jars or zip up (or down) that dress without having to take on the burden of a live-in boyfriend. So after some careful research I have come up with this.

A Broad In London’s 20 Life Hacks For The Single Girl. 

1. Need to pump up the volume on your favourite playlist and no speakers around?

Place your smartphone into a glass or small bowl to magnify the sound. 

2. Loose button, no desire to get the needle and thread out? 

Paint the top of the button with clear nail polish. Clear nail polish can also be used to stop runs in pantyhose, as can hairspray. 

3. Use a paper clip as a luggage zipper fastener. 

As you are no longer allowed (on most flights) to lock your suitcase this is a good hack, if your bag, like mine, is busting at the seams.

4. Dripping tap keeping you up at night? No guy to get it to stop?

Haha, as if a guy I ever dated knew how to stop a dripping tap. Tie a piece of yarn around the facet. Water will run down the yarn instead of dripping into the sink. Sleep soundly and then call a plumber while blissfully sipping your morning latte. 

5. Nail polish caps stuck or lids to jars too tight?

Wrap elastic bands around the cap. It will give you a better grip. 

6. Cleaning the toilet bowl…and no longer consuming sugar in the way of soda? No problem.

Pour a can of Coke around the toilet bowl so you have coated it. Let it sit for a couple of hours, or overnight, and voilà, it sparkles. Side note: If Coke is cleaning your gnarly toilet with the power of Clorex and it’s mighty scrubbing bubbles, what is it doing to our insides when we drink it? A question for another time. 

7. Creases in your blouse and you're already wearing it?

Use a spray bottle and spritz yourself with a little water. Then use a blow dryer. Creases fall away.

8. Bent or creased collar?

Your flattening iron will straighten that collar out, after all, it is a tiny iron. For better results spritz with a little water before hand. 

9. Your slinky tops falling off your hangers? 

Wrap elastic bands around the ends of the coat hangers.

10. Baby Power (the hack, not the problem)

Do you know baby powder has various helpful uses, especially since we should no longer be using it on our nether regions. If you have a tangled necklace, sprinkle it with baby powder and it helps loosen the knots. Also, it helps lift a greasy mark off your clothing or handbag.

11. Forgot or ran out of face wash? 

Here is a temporary fix. Add into a bowl sparkling water and baking soda and watch your face glow.

12. Sporting a camel toe, but still insist on wearing those flesh coloured leggings?

Wear a pantyliner…please!!!

13. Ok, say you’re now bursting at the waist after a big dinner and find yourself having to unbutton your jeans.

To keep them from spreading wide open attach a hair elastic to the button and loop it threw the button hole. This, I desperately wish I knew before a recent delicious dinner at my friend Mellissa’s place. Mellissa you are too good a chef. 

14. Lost a back to your earring?

Slice the end of a pencil eraser to use an earring backing. 

15. Scuffs on your patent leather shoes?

Clean them right up with window cleaner.

16. Can’t find your racer back bra?

Use a paper clip to pull your bra straps together. You can also use paper clip to pull up a broken zipper. 

17. Deposable razors do a great job to remove pills from sweaters.

18. A dryer sheet lightly run over your hair will de-static fly-away hair.

19. Old mascara a little thick?

Place in a glass of hot water for a few minutes to get it going again. 

20. And as for that dress with the impossible back zipper…

Well here is Rachel Ray to demonstrate that regardless of blissfully living on one’s own, your fashion choices should never need to be compromised. 

Click on photo.

If you have any other life hacks please drop me a line. As always, I love hearing from you. 

Cheers my friends.