A-Broad In London

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10 Little Big Things: Embracing the Season with Small Acts of Kindness

I'm about to confess something to you, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I hate this time of year. Hate it!

It's like the world turns into a dark, cold, dreary scene from a Christopher Nolan movie. Beyond the gloomy weather and the scant hours of daylight, we're bombarded with that marketing juggernaut we ironically call “the most wonderful time of the year,” Christmas. That used to respectfully wait until we blew out the candle inside our Halloween pumpkin, but now it relentlessly tramples over the remnants of Back to School. Shame, I want to scream like that scene from Game of Thrones. Shame! Then, as if that's not enough, comes the overwhelming pressure and expectation of a shiny, hopeful New Year. A fresh start, they say, with Day 1 for a lot of people, beginning with a massive honking NYE headache. Excuse me if I don’t have a serious case of JOMO, the joy of missing out. Ugh, it's just insertyourfavoriteexpletivehere brutal. But before you start searching for a therapist for me, let me clarify something.

I have very, very little to complain about. I'm healthy, my children are healthy, I published a book this year that doesn't suck, and I could, without too much stress and no one’s permission, hop on a plane tomorrow and find myself singing Margaritaville by Happy Hour. I'm lucky. So, I shouldn't feel this way, right? Wrong.

This “mean season” can be rough, even when things aren't falling apart. Call it seasonal sadness, holiday blues, or whatever – it's a real thing. So, I went on a quest to find what makes things a tad brighter. And you know what? It's often the little things that are the biggest deal, and it often starts with doing something nice for someone you don’t even know.

10 Little Big Things: Embracing the Season with Small Acts of Kindness

  • Compliment a Stranger: Trust me, telling someone you don't know that they have a great smile or a cool style can do wonders. It's small but mighty.

  • Leave a Generous Tip: Next time you're dining out and the service is great, leave a really healthy tip, one they will be talking about for weeks. Add a sweet note for extra love. Or shout out with an online review to that local café (or first-time author)– good vibes all around.

  • Pay It Forward: At your next coffee run, cover the person's order behind you. Or how about surprising some random stranger by picking up their lunch tab? Just leave a note saying, "Have a great day!" Little ripples create big waves.

  • Limit Your Information Intake: The world's a wild place, and too much bad news can be a serious downer. It's okay to take a media break –it doesn’t mean you care less. Your brain will thank you.

  • Brush Your Teeth with Your Non-Dominant Hand: Weird, right? But brainy folks say it's a mini workout for your brain, boosting creativity and brain function. Who knew dental hygiene could be so cerebral?

  • Hug Someone: Never underestimate the power of a good hug. Science reports that it’s good for your mental health, and I say that it's like a warm, cozy blanket for the soul.

  • Create Little Things to Look Forward To No need for grand plans every week. Relish in the small joys, like whipping up a new recipe or having a long chat with a friend.

  • Mindful Breathing: Start and end your day with three deep breaths. It's like a mini-meditation session for your busy mind.

  • Positive Affirmations: Post-teeth brushing (see above), look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you," three times. Sounds cheesy? Maybe. But it's surprisingly uplifting!

  • Do Something Nice For Yourself: Treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as a massage, a movie, a book, or a little hit of chocolate. Doing something nice for yourself can improve your health, well-being, and happiness, and it can also make you more kind and compassionate to others.

Remember, it's the little big things that make life brighter, not only for others but also for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? I challenge you: do one act of kindness. Just one. See how it feels and, don’t forget to share your experience in the comments below. Let's spread some cheer and survive the mean season, one tiny yet mighty act at a time! 🌟

And how about I start…Girl in the red pants below, I love your optimistic style. (I’m feeling better already)