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Can't Text This: Decoding Millennial and Gen Z Slang

The day I got schooled by a message from a Millennial/Gen Z hybrid was a day like any other—except that day I was publicly reprimanded on TikTok, made worse that I could not understand most of it. 

The message was simple: "Hey Boomer. Do you know that it is legit rude to actually just pick up the phone and call someone?"

Wait What??! I thought. Were they seriously telling me it was rude to call someone on the phone??? 

They were. 

My reply, born from sheer bewilderment, was, "You know, that is what the phone is made for, right…to call people?" But then I got hit with: Seriously, dude, your Boomer Boner is low-key salty. No cap. It gives vibes of a thirsty Karen.

Oh, the "humanity…and confusion.

Salty, Stan, and Snack: Understanding the Vocabulary of the TikTok Generation

So there I was under the impression I was a woke, proud Gen X-er—but nooo! I fact-checked it. Damn, if I didn't just find out I was indeed a Boomer and my birth year just leaped back a decade (born 1961). I had been comfortable in the strong belief that I was a proud generational member of Gen X. That feral crop that was left to fend for their own, that self-harm meant falling off your bike, who drank water from the hose, and whose whereabouts were generally unknown until the street lights came on. 

We burnt ourselves on our Easy-Bake Ovens and wood-etching kits, and the only "user warning" we got was, "Next time, be more careful." We pretended to smoke bubblegum cigars and Popeye cigarettes…and made ashtrays for our parents in art class. None of which turned me into a smoker.

So, let us dissect further. Terms like "Karen," "No Cap," and "Low-key" aren't just words; they're passwords to a private club.

Where '' Tea’ and ‘Snack’ have nothing to do with food, where ‘Netflix and Chill’ has absolutely nothing to do with popcorn and binge-watching Baby Reindeer, and where being ‘Extra’ is a compliment... I think.

Inspired by a dis (insult) that I didn't fully understand, as a Mother's Day gift/public service to all those parents out there with teens or young adult children, or those who have Gen X co-workers ranting on about their work-life balance, I thought I would try and unpack some words and/or phrases. A parent "cheat sheet", allowing you to get one step closer to understanding a generation that is hard to understand.

Can't Text This: Unpacking Millennial and Gen Z Lingo

  • Karen - A pejorative term used to describe a middle-class, white woman who is perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate.

  • No Cap - No lie, or telling the truth.

  • Salty - Being bitter or upset, especially in a subtle or not overtly confrontational way.

  • Low-key - Used to describe something done quietly or without emphasis.

  • Thirsty - Desperately seeking attention.

  • Stan - Derived from the Eminem song of the same name, it's used to describe an overly enthusiastic super-fan of a celebrity.

  • On Fleek - anything that is perfectly executed or looks flawless.

  • Snack - Someone attractive or good-looking.

  • FOMO -Fear of Missing Out. Made worse by posts seen on social media. Me, I suffer from JOMO—the joy of missing out. 

  • CEO of - Used to signify someone as the best or most prominent example of something, like "CEO of never texting back."

  • Flex - To show off, especially something that obviously displays wealth or status.

  • Glow Up - An impressive transformation. We used to call it a makeover.

  • Bougie- People who pretend they are high class but are not.

  • Girl dinner - A meal consisting of anything that one can instantly pull from the fridge.

  • Skiplagging - The tactic of booking a flight with a layover at one's actual destination and skipping the last segment to save money.

  • Millennial gray- a sad, depressive color description of how some millennials talk of their adult life.

Old School Meets New School: A Slang Dictionary for Parents

Of course, this list is far from complete. What words or phrases do you know that you would like to add? Because I am certain that as I write, new words or phrases are being born—or reimagined. I mean, I can't be the only one to remember when a thong was a summer-wearing flip-flop sandal, not a piece of dental floss masquerading as underwear. And sure, I/we might be part of a generation that can remember both Darrens on Bewitched or drank Tang—a pure sugar drink that, if it was good enough for the astronauts, was good enough for us. 

But if you can't beat them, you might as well try to understand what the hell they are saying. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the O.G. of Gen X slang—just let’s finish our Tang first.

Oh, one more thing. In conjunction with Mother’s Day, Yours Truly has been selected by FeedSpot’s 20 Best London Mom Blogs and Websites. An honor indeed. Guess I have got riz…(ask your millennial.)

Happy Mother’s Day y’all.