Posts tagged Mayfair
London’s Winter Wonderland: A Canadian’s Guide to Seasonal Magic

From Toronto to London: A Weather-Driven Journey

“I moved to London for the weather,” said no one ever—except me. As a proud Canadian, I’ve braved the infamous duo of Toronto seasons: Winter and Construction. And if I never ever again have to dig my frozen car out of several feet of snow, or toss away another pair of salt-stained boots, color me happy.

So, when I say London’s winter is a breath of fresh air, I’m not just spouting hot air!

London in December: The City That Glows

Forget about the North Pole; London in December is where the magic happens. It’s the time when the city transforms into a glittering spectacle, outshining Rudolph’s red nose. And if winter in London were a movie, it would get two thumbs up from Clark Griswold and family.

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

It's a party the likes the world has never seen…and likely will never see again. And whether you are a royal lover or not, it makes absolutely no difference. Because no one can deny the incredible lifelong dedication Queen Elizabeth II has given to her country. Seventy years ago, Princess Elizabeth, at the age of 25, became Queen. For those of you that don't get this significance, let me help you out.

In the history of the British monarchy, and it goes back, well, forever, there has never been a King or Queen sitting on the throne for this extraordinary length of time. To put this into layman's terms, the Queen is still working at her job a whopping thirty years past the age when most people have retired. That, my friends, is service.

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It's The Most Magical Time of The Year. Christmas in London 2019. There is no place on earth quiet like it.

So what if it gets dark at 3:30 in the afternoon and the nights last longer than a snowman in the artic, it is Christmas time and London is TOTALY lit. Each neighborhood has elaborately decorated their storefronts, cafes, hotels, parks, and streets as they throw festive block parties to “turn on the lights” and celebrate the arrival of the Christmas season.

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As a North American living in London you have a certain vantage point, you're able to see what is uniquely British AND what is not. While the Americans or Canadian's tend to look for the newest, biggest and shiniest next thing the British celebrate the oldest, dustiest and longest standing.  It is proudly written in gold glided letters outside store fronts "established in"  or on a historical plaque telling you who was "nearly done in" at this place hundreds of years before you were even born. 

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