A-Broad In London

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What Single Women Over 50 Want in Men: The Online Dating Bingo Edition

I am just going to say it. Online dating is exhausting, tedious, disappointing, soul-sucking and, for the most part, exceedingly boring.  

It is like the movie Groundhog Day, only you are trapped at the same monotonous cocktail party with the same boring small talk—over and over and over again. It makes me want to get a dog, start eating carbs and call it a day. 

Now, for all you happily coupled folks, those who have been living with the same guy who has been leaving the toilet seat up for years or the used teabag in the sink, you can skip this blog post. We can catch up on the next one when I may (or may not) have something a little more relevant to say.

However —you might want to stick around because this post might do one of two things. Either it will make you happy you are not single, or two, get you thinking….hmmm???—doesn't this game look a little more interesting than getting sprayed with Nigel's (or Doris') flying toenail clippings? 

So let's play Online Dating BINGO — Over 50 Edition.

First, you will need to fill in your BINGO card ( link on bottom of page) with what you are looking for in a man. You can add things like; non-smoker, doesn’t refer to all of his exes as ‘psycho’ , or knows the words to at least three Taylor Swift songs. Whatever floats your kayak in this the dating swamp.

You can clearly see my BINGO card I've attached if you need further creative inspiration. 

Like any BINGO card, there is a FREE space right in the middle. That FREE square means exactly that: free, unencumbered, single, available, not married. 

No, "It's complicated" —code for, I'm married.

Or my personal fave… "My wife and I have an understanding."—code for lying douche.

You would think that being on a dating site it would be assumed (the being single part), but just ask anyone in the dating trenches still turning over rocks, and they will tell you at least one personal story where that was not the case.

Once your card is filled out with your Man Wish List, place it on your dating profile right at the top; hell, you could even use it as your profile pic and save a little valuable time. And then, any potential Mr or Ms Right can see if they can check off a complete single line, up, down, across or diagonal. This is not a fill-in-a-full-card kinda game, as that would just be crazy and pretty much akin to capturing a financially solvent unicorn with a full head of hair, a six-pack, who can whip up a perfect omelette.

And voilà. No more boring chatter of 'So, what are you looking for?' You have just told them.

As a value add, my millennial single friend did her Bingo card, and here it is. See how it varies from the older, more seasoned dater.

Let me know how this goes for you my single friends. And if you are feeling bold, please share your card with the group. We are a nonjudgmental group of readers, and who knows, just maybe your card will inspire someone to yell, I’ve got BINGO, I’ve got BINGO. 


Under the B: Back on the Market

Under the I: In Search Of Mr Darcy

Under the N: Not Settling

Under the G: Getting Back Out There

Under the O: On My Own Terms

Get your Bingo card here and let the games begin.