Posts tagged Millennials
Can't Text This: Decoding Millennial and Gen Z Slang

The day I got schooled by a message from a Millennial/Gen Z hybrid was a day like any other—except that day I was publicly reprimanded on TikTok, made worse that, and I could not understand most of it. 

The message was simple: "Hey Boomer. Do you know that it is legit rude to actually just pick up the phone and call someone?"

Wait What??! I thought. Were they seriously telling me it was rude to call someone on the phone??? 

They were. 

My reply, born from sheer bewilderment, was, "You know, that is what the phone is made for, right…to call people?" But then I got hit with: "Seriously, "dude, your Boomer Boner is low-key salty. It has no cap. It gives vibes of"a thirsty Karen." 

Oh, the "humanity…and confusion.

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Did Tinder Kill Love? Yup, I Think So.

Sex has always been the alleged road to love.

For generations, people have been hooking up at parties, nightclubs, smokey single bars, or discos (depending on just how old you are). A nostalgic, romantic era where poor judgement and too much alcohol made your relationship decisions for you (sigh).

So here we are today, deep in the throes of a new era, the online dating universe ruled by Tinder, Bumble and their near-distant relations. With immediate access to this colossal volume of singles seeking love, sex and relationships, you would think it would have triggered a new epic sexual revolution. One so explosive that we, like farrel rabbits, would be feasting on a 24/7 service of Tinderellas, super-swipers strangers that come delivered right to your door, with the reliability of UberEats.

Well, guess what? We are having less sex! A lot less.

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