Posts tagged British English vs American English
British Words I Didn't Know Existed, and Now I Can't Live Without

Let’s face it, there’s a lot about the Brits that has taken me a while to understand. As a North American, they have left me, at times, scratching my noggin in honest befuddlement.

For instance, why do they love James Corden for Gavin and Stacey but pretty much can't stand him for anything else? Or, their national obsession for room temperature water, football (soccer), organ meats and baked beans. Or, how they’ve claimed curry as traditional British cuisine. Or, or… how their gentle overt politeness, decorum and centuries-old etiquette instantly vanishes as they go all American postal when someone jumps one of their orderly queues. And do not get me going on those horse hair wigs they are mandated to wear in court, even the vegans. But as I spend time hiding amongst them, I have adopted some of their language. No, I am not speaking in a British accent, I am not Madonna or Lindsey Lohan, but I have to give credit where credit is due. Some of the British words I didn't know existed (or barely) I now can't live without. They make up the healthy fabric of my daily conversation, and you know what???? They are bloody brilliant.

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It was my birthday.  May 15th. The day I came into the world...and it was the same day my mother left it. My mom had been diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She cheated cancer once before, ovarian. I was 10. No reason to believe that she couldn't do that again. Or at least I thought.

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