15 Things That Should Make You Smile Instantly

Let's face it, there has been a lot going on recently to turn that occasional resting scowl face of yours into the only face your iPhone recognises to unlock your phone. Sure, there have been crappy days, weeks…even years, friends who overnight become frenemies, or a zit that magically appears the morning of a big date. But I've learned that even through the crappiest of times, there are always things that never fail to make me smile.

So, as a public service to y'all, I am sharing with you my list of things that instantly make me smile. Because we all can benefit from a few more reasons to smile.

15 Things That Should Make You Smile Instantly

1. Old people holding hands

Although anyone holding hands gets me, be it lovers, dudes, women, parents and their children, teenage girls and even little kids but it's the senior citizens that really get me every time. They make me believe in happily-ever-after regardless of whether or not they just met on Silver Singles.

2. A handsome stranger randomly smiling at you

This, without question, is the most perfect example of a smile as a contagion. Want proof? You try smiling at a random person and see if they don't smile back. Because, if they are from this planet, I believe it's an impossibility not to return the smile.

3. Hearing your favourite song

I've said this before. Music has magical powers that can change your mood instantly. It can hijack you and immediately drop you into a room you haven't occupied in years. So hearing your favourite song and whatever memories it might flush out is a musical grin.

4. Coffee in bed

You don't need someone to do this for you. Although I'm not going to lie, having someone bring me coffee without moving my sleepy ass is better. My perfect way to start the day is to make myself a latte, crawl back into bed, take a sip, let out an audible sigh, smile, and gently and very slowly welcome the day.

5. A good hair day

Good hair gives me, and my sexy sense of self, an instant boost. So if you can, treat yourself to a blowout, smile and feel fabulous.

6. Surprisingly, shimming into your skinny jeans

"nough said

7. A baby smiling at you …any baby

8. Climbing into fresh, clean, pressed sheets

An added burst of endorphins if you have just shaved your legs.

9. Getting a piece of good news from a close friend

Let's be honest, it's not always easy being happy for someone. But when someone you really love and adore is celebrating some great news, be it a new job, engagement, or some fab accomplishment, their happiness becomes your own.

10. Waking up on a sunny day

Added bonus: The smell of freshly cut grass wafting into your window.

11. Bakery-scented air

Even gluten-free folks should be able to enjoy that delicious smile-evoking aroma.

12. Hearing that the person you have a crush on you likes you too

13. Looking at a sleeping baby, any baby

14. Getting a spontaneous hug from your children

Or, if they are older, a text message without foreshadowing that money has gotten a little tight.

15. An out-of-the-blue message from a dear friend telling you they are coming to town

So, that is my list. What about you?

Scientists claim that smiling can lengthen your life, and it certainly makes the day a little brighter. At the very least, a great smile will make people wonder what you've been up to, so please share. I'd love to know what you're smiling about.