Posts in Things I Love
"How to Survive the Mean Season: Science-Backed Songs That Boost Your Happiness"

The Mean Season: How Music Can Boost Your Happiness—ScIENTIFIcally

If you’re anything like me, this time of year can feel overwhelming. I’ve officially nicknamed it the Mean Season — that period from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day when life seems to pile on the pressure. Our credit card bills are due from overspending at Christmas, our clothes don’t fit from overeating and over-drinking, and the sun has not been seen since October. To make matters suckier, we are guilted into making (and then breaking) New Year’s resolutions before the ice even melts. Yup, this season has its challenges. And if you’re single, you get to cap it all off with a front-row seat to all the lovebirds, armed only with a box of chocolates and a stack of rom-coms. No wonder Bridget Jones ended up cry-singing "All By Myself" into a hairbrush.

It’s hard, plain and simple. But don’t worry, I’ve found a little something to help us all out. To make the lack of sunlight and the relentless bone chill of winter just a little bit nicer. And don’t thank me, thank science.

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London’s Winter Wonderland: A Canadian’s Guide to Seasonal Magic

From Toronto to London: A Weather-Driven Journey

“I moved to London for the weather,” said no one ever—except me. As a proud Canadian, I’ve braved the infamous duo of Toronto seasons: Winter and Construction. And if I never ever again have to dig my frozen car out of several feet of snow, or toss away another pair of salt-stained boots, color me happy.

So, when I say London’s winter is a breath of fresh air, I’m not just spouting hot air!

London in December: The City That Glows

Forget about the North Pole; London in December is where the magic happens. It’s the time when the city transforms into a glittering spectacle, outshining Rudolph’s red nose. And if winter in London were a movie, it would get two thumbs up from Clark Griswold and family.

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Oh, What A Bagel. My Most Impressive and Requested Recipe Ever.

For anyone who knows me, even just a little, you know I love food. I love cooking, baking, sautéing, whisking, and you know what…I am pretty damn good at it. Food is how I show love. For me to design, plan and prepare a meal for people is me saying to them, "I love you more than wine," which is saying something. 

For many of us, summer is more entertaining than most other times of the year. The BBQ is scraped down, recipes dusted off, pies crimped, and we go to work impressively feeding those we love (and a few we don't.)

But of all the soufflés that have risen or Pavlova's devoured, there is one thing, one…that has been asked for the most and seriously impresses even the most experienced bakers…and that is my Montreal Bagels.

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Top 10 Dating Mistakes as Told By Jane Austen and A.I's Newest Love Child...ChatGPT

I am a cheater. A curious, cheating creature. I did not write the blog on dating you are about to read, Jane Austen did. Well, IA did, in the style of Jane Austen.

For those who know me, you know I am a lover of tech. I’ve been talking to Alexa for years, Google Maps is telling me how to get there, Calm lulling me to sleep, Suri answering my questions, and Find My Phone will let me know when my phone is stuck between two sofa cushions.

So when I was told about ChatGPT, I had to give it a try. And you know what, I was equal parts blown away and terrified. For those who aren’t up on the latest technology, let me explain. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that allows you to have human-like conversations. Think of it as if Google and Suri had a love child.

It can answer questions, write and fix code, translate, and generate content like emails, essays,…and blogs.

My first experiment with the IA master was to have it write me a complaint letter to my water company, which I believe is overcharging me. In approximately ten seconds, I had a brilliant letter with not a single word I’d have to change. No creative punctuation or spelling, which I have a propensity for.

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I’m not sure if I can conjure the words to express what an unexpected, crazy journey the last few years have taken me on. My life, and in all the ways I defined it, mother, daughter, lover, boss, employer, friend, sister and Hunter’s human, were all changed, reimagined or permanently altered for good. In short, without these labels that I had dressed myself in, I had no idea who I was. None.

It’s funny when you are presented with change. At first, you resist it, much like getting that suspicious mole checked or online dating. You push hard against it and do whatever you can to make it stop or, at the very least, slow it down. Change can be terrifying. But as we know, change is the only constant in our lives. So the question is not “will this change” but rather, “what are you going to do with the changes?”

Me, I wrote a book.

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The Queen is Dead. Long Live The King (that's still going to take some getting used to.)

What a year!

I cannot think of a single year in my life when living in London has been so historical. We have had a Prime Minister ousted, brought down by scandal. It was only a few months ago when decorated soldiers marched, gilded horses trotted, and trumpeters blew their horns as I, plus hundreds of thousands of others, surrounded Buckingham Palace to pay tribute to the Queen's 70-year reign. A milestone not reached by any other British monarch.

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15 Things That Should Make You Smile Instantly

Let's face it, there has been a lot going on recently to turn that occasional resting scowl face of yours into the only face your iPhone recognises to unlock your phone. Sure, there have been crappy days, weeks…even years, friends who overnight become frenemies, or a zit that magically appears the morning of a big date. But I've learned that even through the crappiest of times, there are always things that never fail to make me smile.

So, as a public service to y'all, I am sharing with you my list of things that instantly make me smile. Because we all can benefit from a few more reasons to smile.

15 Things That Should Make You Smile Instantly

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

It's a party the likes the world has never seen…and likely will never see again. And whether you are a royal lover or not, it makes absolutely no difference. Because no one can deny the incredible lifelong dedication Queen Elizabeth II has given to her country. Seventy years ago, Princess Elizabeth, at the age of 25, became Queen. For those of you that don't get this significance, let me help you out.

In the history of the British monarchy, and it goes back, well, forever, there has never been a King or Queen sitting on the throne for this extraordinary length of time. To put this into layman's terms, the Queen is still working at her job a whopping thirty years past the age when most people have retired. That, my friends, is service.

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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

I am a creature of habit. I tend to favour the same five restaurants in a city with a bazillion, the same brand of jeans with that tiny bit of stretch, even the same buttery Chardonnay. In the world of marketing, I believe they call that brand loyalty. But regardless of my faithfulness, I'm always up for new discoveries, finding new "must have" products that I love and never want to be without again.

And this is what this blog is about…a few of those new discoveries…

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People Who Sleep Naked Have A Better Night’s Sleep  (and other crap I bet you didn’t know)

Now that I have your attention.

Since moving to England, there have been a few cultural adjustments, some societal compromises I needed to make. The most obvious was the weather. It didn't matter what the forecast, there was always, always a chance of rain.

Then, there was the desensitizing to that “C’ word that the Brits like to drop, as frequent as the chance of rain. To put that into some much-needed context, Brits have over a hundred different words or phrases to talk about rain. I’d further like to add 94% of British people admitted to having talked about the weather in the past six hours

And of course, the horror when it’s discovered that not only do I not have a football club (soccer for my North American friends) I support, I actually don't give a shit about the sport.

But the one thing I’ve been able to climb on board with is their quizzes. Now for all those who have never attended a Quiz Night with me, my contribution to the team (other than getting us all into the Soho House) could to summed up with only two categories; 1970’s US Television Theme Songs or Fun Facts about Colin Firth Movies. But somehow I’ve managed to park my humiliation and every month I look forward to it.

This is to say, that my interest in unless trivia (that you would never need to know unless you are at a Quiz Night) has peaked.

So here’s my list of Unusual Facts (or almost facts) I’d like to see on the next Quiz, And not surprisingly, there is not a single footballer mentioned anywhere

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Top 10 Most Incredible, Jaw-Dropping, Christmas Decorations In London’s Most Opulent Neighbourhood, Mayfair

It has been called the most wonderful time of the year. Where everything shines, sparkles, and twinkles in anticipation of the jolly old man with his sack full of gifts. But nowhere is that more evident than in London’s most prestigious neighbourhood of Mayfair. Home to Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and countless other luxury brands, galleries, and private clubs, each place seems to try and outdo the others with its lights, decor, and Christmas-inspired imagination. Tourists and locals alike take an evening stroll enjoying some of London’s most Instagram-worthy Christmas displays. So even if we can’t afford what twinkles inside, we can certainly bask in what twinkles outside.

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Is there anything more British than a cuppa tea? Henry James said, there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as "afternoon tea".  What is it about this magic elixir that seems to make the problems of the day dissolve into the bottom of a least temporarily. 165 million cups of tea are drunk everyday in the U.K, so the Brits might be onto something.

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16 Must-Have Apps Everyone Over 40 absolutely Needs

I'm going to be straight up honest with you, this getting older thing has its disadvantages. I can throw my back out from trying to hold in a sneeze. I can walk into a room and completely blank out what I went in there for, and don't get me started about how my whole world comes to a grinding halt if I can't find my reading glasses.

Saying that I thought I would share with you 16 Must-Have Apps for us folk who have slipped into the other side of 40. And for you youngsters, take note, there might be a thing or two that might benefit you as well.

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15 Awesome Perks and Benefits to Living Alone

Most of my life, I have been living with someone. Of course, it started with my parents and sisters. Those were the days with more rules than freedom, and blood was often shed, and fistfuls of hair torn from their roots when I'd find my sister wearing my new jean jacket she swore up and down she never took. Then I moved out and got roommates, and that too came with a whole set of compromises, general lack of personal space and questionable hygiene standards, i.e.) A clogged shower drain with hair clearly a different colour than my own. Then I got married…and had kids…and well, not only was I never alone, I was completely surrounded.

In the last couple of years, I have been blissfully living on my own. My kids are launched, no live-in boyfriend leaving the toilet seat up, the used teabag in the sink or the untimely discovery of an empty toilet roll, and I have to say it is unparalleled rapture.

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So, yup, it has come to this. Sex!

And it doesn't hurt having my favourite Canadian family, The Roses from Schitt’s Creek, joining me from their diner.

With the word “sex” prominently featured in my headline, I believe I have secured your attention, at least for the moment. The real question will be, if this word “sex” lures more of you into reading this than the word “bacon”? My last blog about that fabulous fatty breakfast meat weirdly was my most opened blog in my blogger history. Seriously, bacon!!!

So, let’s see if more of you are interesting in sex… or bacon?

I was playing this game with a friend of mine that inspired me to write this blog, What You Can Say At A Dinner Party That You Can Also Say During Sex. This I found entertainingly rude, like Cards Against Humanity, funny, and certainly more creative than your average game of charades.

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Everyone Loves Bacon

Ok, maybe it's because I've been pretty much trapped in my flat for a year now, and my brain has gone a little funky. I mean, it's hard to be writing about A Broad In London if all I'm experiencing is a thirty-minute walk to the Waitrose (weather dependant) or my unsanctioned hair colouring in the dimly lit basement of my stylist's salon. I mean, we are living in a world right now where it's legal to roll yourself a big fatty and get high on the streets of Toronto but not get your hair highlighted. This world has gone to pot, literally.

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Well, it’s that time again this year… or is it?

You don’t need to hear from me to tell you how unusual this year has been or how this time has been challenging, God, don’t we all know it. There has been many a time I just want to run from my flat screaming, “Screw you 2020, you’re not the boss of me.” But in fact, it has been the boss of me… the boss of all of us.

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It's The Most Magical Time of The Year. Christmas in London 2019. There is no place on earth quiet like it.

So what if it gets dark at 3:30 in the afternoon and the nights last longer than a snowman in the artic, it is Christmas time and London is TOTALY lit. Each neighborhood has elaborately decorated their storefronts, cafes, hotels, parks, and streets as they throw festive block parties to “turn on the lights” and celebrate the arrival of the Christmas season.

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Kick Off Those Stilettos & Pack Them Away.  White Trainers Have Taken Over. See Why This Is Hottest Fashion Trend Since Hot-Pants. 

Ok, has revolutionized the way I am dressing. I am serious AND I am not alone in this. It used to be after a long day at work or at a social event you would walk or more often hobble home having been in uncomfortable yet stylish looking heels all day. The absolute first thing you would do would be to kick off your shoes, sit down and massage those poor sore feet of yours. I know all you fab fashionista sistas out there know of what I speak.

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Tiny Moments Of Delight ~ It's The Little Things That Spark Joy

My Oprah A-Ha Moment

A short time ago, after a punishing morning workout on the Wheel Of Pain (spin) as part of my personal reward program I wandered into my local neighbourhood bakery (guilt free-ish) to get myself my usual… a café latte and a fresh baked blueberry muffin. I had earned it. That particular morning something unexpected happened. As I let the sweet warm scent of baking bread, rising yeast, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar enveloped me I instantly was transported into a joyous moment of pure, unquestionable happiness. I inhaled deeply as if to hold in the delicious moment of total bliss for as long as I could. Bakery air I thought. Something as simple as bakery air made me happy. I had been in that bakery before, in fact many times but I had not really paid attention, I’d just grabbed my muffin or warm baguette and leave. But that day for some reason…I was aware…I paid attention and was present…and it in the words of Marie Kondo (look her up)….it sparked joy.

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