Posts tagged Queen
"How to Survive the Mean Season: Science-Backed Songs That Boost Your Happiness"

The Mean Season: How Music Can Boost Your Happiness—ScIENTIFIcally

If you’re anything like me, this time of year can feel overwhelming. I’ve officially nicknamed it the Mean Season — that period from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day when life seems to pile on the pressure. Our credit card bills are due from overspending at Christmas, our clothes don’t fit from overeating and over-drinking, and the sun has not been seen since October. To make matters suckier, we are guilted into making (and then breaking) New Year’s resolutions before the ice even melts. Yup, this season has its challenges. And if you’re single, you get to cap it all off with a front-row seat to all the lovebirds, armed only with a box of chocolates and a stack of rom-coms. No wonder Bridget Jones ended up cry-singing "All By Myself" into a hairbrush.

It’s hard, plain and simple. But don’t worry, I’ve found a little something to help us all out. To make the lack of sunlight and the relentless bone chill of winter just a little bit nicer. And don’t thank me, thank science.

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10 Things Brits Do That Drive Me Crazy

Ok, maybe it has been the result of the last year and a half stretching everyone, including myself, Petrie dish thin. But I’ve been finding my tolerance lower than usual. I mean sub-zero, don’t look at me the wrong way, or I might have to squash your will to live, kinda low. As a result, a few things have bubbled to the surface I thought I’d take the time to share.

There are some things that the Brits do that I fail to understand or tolerate. I’m guessing there is an equally compelling list of rants that I’m sure drive Brits mental about their North American counterparts. And please…my British readers, bring forth your list.

Sure there are stereotypes between the stand-offish, horse-loving snobs with bad teeth versus the gun-wielding, overweight loud Trump supporters who want to Super Size everything. But for the most part, that’s not what my rant is about. On both sides of the ocean, there are good and not so good traits and customs.

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Celebrities & Their London Houses

Brits tend to be far more discrete when it comes to their celebrity worshipping, that is say compared to our Americans friends where there are people literally sitting in folded lawn-chairs outside the stars homes selling maps to their homes. There was no obvious map to the stars in London, and as I am not a tween interested in following some snapchat story about where the latest boyband de-jour might be hanging out I decided to create my own little self guided tour of London celebs and see if I could find the homes of some of London’s elite and infamous. Here is who I found.

Celebrities & Their London Houses

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Blue Plaques of London. Who are these people? No, I mean really, who are they?